The Drinks Of The Future
Complementing its established range of bottled reverse osmosis water, R O Water Sdn Bhd brings you OXYGENIZER, the new generation oxygen drink that nourishes and revitalizes!
Stress, lack of exercise, advancing age, smoking and dief habits all contribute to reduced energy levels and impaired bodily functions. Packed with up to 36 times more oxygen than ordinary tap water, oxygen-enriched OXYGENIZER provides a natural healthy boost to your well-being.
It is not far-fetched to say that the time may come when the only way most of us will get enough oxygen is by drinking it!
Why Drink Oxygenated Water?
Our environment is becoming so polluted these days that even the air we breathe no longer contains as much pure oxygen as it used to. This rapid decline of available clean oxygen also results in the loss of oxygen in our food and water so clearly, the average person is not getting as much oxygen as they should.
OXYGENIZER supplements our oxygen deficiencies while meeting our daily water intake requirements. As a result, our immune systems perform more efficiently and unwanted illnesses and diseases are kept at bay.

Oxygen & Water – The Fundamental Sources of Life!
Oxygen and water are indispensable elements for life on earth. Furthermore, the ultimate cause of all diseases is insufficient oxygen and water. Oxygen enriches our blood, cells, tissues and organs with energy while water hydrates our bodies to support human body functions for optimal good health. A lack of both oxygen and water will greatly disturb the balance of our immune system and regularity of cellular and organ functions while promoting the build-up of harmful toxins.

Benefits Of Drinking 
OXYGENIZER is pure water enhanced with up to 36 times more oxygen than ordinary water. As proven by independent researches, oxygenated water many health benefits include :
- Help enhance immunoglobulin (lgG & lgM) generation
- Flush out impurities and toxins from the body
- Improve antioxidants level
- Helps in healthy cells and tissues rejuvenation
- Increase in oxygen partial pressure (p02) in blood
- Improves mental clarity
- Promotes faster recovery from injury and strenuous exercise
- Improve blood parameters, including triacylglyceride, total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol
- Helps reduce fat accumulation in abdomen area
How Does
Our water is first cleansed using the reverse osmosis process to achieve a remarkable purity level of 98%. Pure oxygen is then bonded and stabilised with the water molecules. When the oxygen-enriched water comes into contact with organs and tissues, the water molecules split and the oxygen is released to the cells.
OXYGENIZER contains pure & active medical oxygen that reduces the nitrate content in water and neutralizes acid waste. Clinical research has shown that cancer cells and many other imbalances cannot survive in oxygenated & alkaline environment.
While regulating your body temperature and revitalising your cells, OXYGENIZER also works at flushing out unwanted impurities and toxins from the body.